Show-Me Freedom
News and Events from the Libertarian Party of Missouri

MO Gas Tax Rebate
Last year the Missouri legislature voted to increase gas taxes by 12.5 cents per gallon over 5 years for road infrastructure. The first installment of 2.5 cents went into effect Oct 1, 2021. The tax increased again by 2.5 cents effective July 1, 2022. The Columbia Missourian has the details. Part of that legislation permits Missourians and

Legal Missouri 2022
by Jim Higgins Missouri Libertarians generally support the “Legal Missouri 2022” initiative. Legal Missouri 2022 is currently collecting signatures to get the initiative on the November ballot. At the St Louis County Libertarian meeting on Monday April 18th, Bonni Boime gave a brief presentation on what the initiative contained. It would among other things: Allow

Gerrymandering is Alive and Well in Missouri
by Jim Higgins One indication of how extensive gerrymandering has pervaded Missouri politics is by looking at the number of unopposed races in the legislature. Of the 17-state senate district up for reelection in 2022 there are 5 which have only one major party in the race. That includes one candidate who will face a Libertarian

Candidate Filing for the August Primary
An edited version of Jim Higgins original notice. Candidate filing for the August 2nd Primary closed on Tuesday, March 29th and the Missouri Libertarian Party has filed 25 candidates for federal, state and county offices. Bill Slantz, the Missouri Libertarian Party chair, said that “The voters need to give up the notion of voting

KCMO Rank Choice Voting Petition Drive
Better Ballot KC is currently collecting signatures with the intent of getting Rank Choice Voting (RCV) on the ballot in Kansas City, MO. RCV assures that a candidate for elected office (Mayor and City Council) gets at least 50% of the vote. This guarantees that the winning candidate gets a majority of the vote as

2022 State Convention Registration Open
The 2022 Missouri Libertarian Party state convention will be held in Kansas City on February 19, 2022. Click here to learn more and to register.