Legal Missouri 2022

by Jim Higgins

Missouri Libertarians generally support the “Legal Missouri 2022” initiative.  Legal Missouri 2022 is currently collecting signatures to get the initiative on the November ballot.  At the St Louis County Libertarian meeting on Monday April 18th, Bonni Boime gave a brief presentation on what the initiative contained.
It would among other things:
  • Allow recreational marijuana use for people over the age of 21.
  • Allow for automatic expungement of criminal records for those convicted on non-violent marijuana related crimes  and concurrently allow for the release of prisoners convicted on such crimes.
  • Set a state sales tax cap of 6%  similar to other commodities sold in the state .
  • Less restrictive licensing requirements.
  • Allow people to grow up to 12 plants privately as long as they are in a locked area.
  • Provide stronger legal protections for Medical marijuana patients.
If passed Missouri would be the 20th state to legalize recreational marijuana.  To learn more about the initiative or to help with petitioning effort go to https://www.legalmo22.comThe deadline to turn in petitions is May 8th.  Many signatures have already been collected but many more are needed.
St Louis County Chair, LaDonna Higgins, said “Our prisons are full of people convicted  of non-violent marijuana  related crimes at a great expense to taxpayers, while prisoners convicted of violent crimes are set free early.” 
The National Libertarian party has advocated for the legalization of marijuana  since it was founded in 1971.
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