KCMO Rank Choice Voting Petition Drive

Better Ballot KC is currently collecting signatures with the intent of getting Rank Choice Voting (RCV) on the ballot in Kansas City, MO.  RCV assures that a candidate for elected office (Mayor and City Council) gets at least 50% of the vote.  This guarantees that the winning candidate gets a majority of the vote as opposed to only a plurality of the vote.  This improves voter’s satisfaction with their elected official and provides greater support for their agenda.  Another benefit is the elimination of a runoff election thus saving the city ~$600K in election costs and requiring voters to only vote once.  Petitioners will be collecting signatures throughout the Spring at major events.  The MoLP encourages KCMO registered voters to sign the petition and put RCV on the ballot so that KCMO voters will have the opportunity to choose this preferrable way to hold elections.

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