Guidance on Ballot Measures

By Ron Bream
Missouri Libertarians,
The Missouri Libertarian Party’s Executive Committee meets monthly to address Party issues.  The September and October meetings included discussions on the ballot measures that will be on the Tuesday, November 6 ballot.

The following ballot measure recommendations are suggested by the Missouri LP Executive Committee:

Amendment 1, (Clean MO), addresses reapportionment, legislator ethics and open governance.
NO.  We are supportive of open public records and proceedings as well as restraints on lobbyists.  However, the redistricting solution is too bureaucratic, cumbersome and fraught with partisanship.  We also view contribution limits as an impingement on free speech.  Our recommendation is to convert the state to proportional representation thus eliminating the need for districts and the partisan gerrymandering that comes with it and not to mention that everyone’s vote would actually count.

Amendment 2, (Medical Marijuana), addresses legalizing medical marijuana.
YES.  Of the three measure available, we favor this one over the others.  It imposes a 4% sales tax.

Amendment 3, (Medical Marijuana), addresses legalizing medical marijuana.
NO.  It imposes a 15% sales tax which is exorbitant and would create a personal fiefdom.

Proposition C, (Medical Marijuana), addresses legalizing medical marijuana.
NO.  This is a statutory initiative and we prefer doing this as a constitutional amendment so the state legislature cannot undo the will of the voters.

Amendment 4, addresses issues with bingo regulations.
YES.  It reduces certain restrictions on bingo gaming.

Proposition B, addresses the state’s minimum wage.
NO.  It harms the people it supposedly is trying to help by reducing hours for the current workforce and more importantly prevents the creation of jobs for young and inexperienced people who lack the skills or education and who are willing to work.

Proposition D, addresses increasing fuel taxes.
NO.  We are generally supportive of user fees for services.  However, we would recommend voters do not increase taxes and believe legislators should prioritize spending within the current budget.  We suggest that authorities consider a moratorium on road construction as well as returning some roads to county authorities from which they came.

Ronald E. Bream
Executive Committee Member
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