Track the items you need to do timely

Calendar everything you need to do with specific timeframes. Set repeating events, so you don’t forget to follow-up.

  • Regular meetings

    • Notices

    • Agenda

    • Minutes

  • Reporting to Missouri Ethics Commission. This is usually quarterly, but be careful, in election years, the reporting schedules change to election and candidate’s schedules.

  • Your committee people are re-elected to their positions during the August primary in even numbered years. They need to file for the committee positions starting in late February through March. Some counties have a filing fee, most do not. Your bylaws can stipulate that if requested, the filing fee can be refunded. 

  • Following the primary in August, the organization needs to be perfected. The county clerk should be able to provide a list of who filed and won the Libertarian committee positions. A meeting to elect/re-elect officers per Missouri Election law (115.615) must be held the third Tuesday in August in the county seat. Following this election, provide the new officers to the county clerk/Board of Elections, as well as the secretary, executive director, and chair of the state party.

  • In addition to the county committee, the state senate district committees should be formed, officers elected, and two delegates to the state committee chosen.  The State Committee is mandated by state statute and consists of two representatives from each state senate district. This meeting, per Missouri Election law (115.623) shall be held in November following the general election.  

    • Since our organization does not have fully populated rosters, the easiest way to determine your senate district membership is to find all the committee persons whose ward or township is part of the senate district, along with all county chairs and vice chairs.  The two following bullets list the specifics from Missouri Election Law (115.619) for the composition of a senate district committee. 

      • If the senate district is composed of (1) One or more whole counties; or (2) One or more whole counties and part of one or more counties; the committee consists of the chair and vice chair of each county, and the committeemen and committeewomen of each legislative district committee within the district.

      • If the senate district is composed of (1) parts of one or more counties; (2) part of a city not within the county; (3) A whole city not within a county; or (4) part of a city not within a county and parts of one or more counties; shall consist of the committeemen and committeewomen of the wards or township included in whole or in part, and the chair and vice chair of each legislative district committee.

  • The nominees to the State Committee should be turned into the current secretary, executive director, and chair of the state party. They will meet during the state convention.

Creating an online presence


  • The LPMO IT Director can create a section of the LPMO website at or you can create your own where you choose.

  • Many party members can assist you with tools for photo editing, website management and even content.

  • When you have CRM access, you will be able to post any meetings or outreach activities on the state website.  

  • Create a Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram profile.  Be sure to keep calendars and contact information up to date. Libertarian Facebook groups are full of graphic artists that are willing to help you, like Open Source Liberty on Facebook. Find a designer and work with them to come up with something that works for your area. 

    • Be sure to have limited admin access to your social media pages to keep content consistent with your messaging.

    • Comment on local news stories, or share posts from the state or national LP FB pages.